Thank you for this moment of de-lurking.

I think we're in similar situations. I'm often not in the mood to wade thorugh "proof", especially if it's full of acronyms that apparently the author made up and is the sole user of, and might even just be proving a property I'm not sure I care about (properties also often shrouded in jargon I'd have to look up desipte having more-or-less read this list for the last couple years).

Your two points would be a fair mission statement for this list if we wanted to make one, but I think I usually see more of the theoretical investigation here. Mostly that has been analytical gedanken-elections, with a few contributions of statistics from simulations.

Mostly I take my advocacy elsewhere, to random politics blogs and discussions in meat-space. Some news there, my city is considering a total rebuild of its election infrastructure and if I am specially lucky I'll be able to get in rankings ballots for our Mayor and City Council elections (probably advocate Condorcet for Mayor, STV for council).

It's also hard to test out "explanaitons for the common man" on this group, since we all know the material too well.

And yeah, the flame wars are stupid, as are all participants therein (though they may yet be lucid and interesting at other times).

Brian Olson

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Nathan Herring wrote:

On 1/17/07 8:30 PM, "Kevin Venzke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- "Brandon J. Van Every" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
I Googled randomly for something, and the title seemed

This kind of back-and-forth has convinced me that your list has no value
whatsoever.  I'm unsubscribing.  I suggest you go to a moderated format
and put a muzzle on people who are precipitating this kind of nonsense.
The credibility of your list may be at stake.

This guy seems like a piece of work. "The credibility of your list may
be at stake"? Did he forget that he told us he just found us by googling
randomly, and that he's convinced the list has no value whatsoever?


Perhaps "no value whatsoever" is an overstatement, but the signal-to-noise
ratio dramatically dips on a regular basis here.

Even when there is an apparent signal, the content is difficult for me to
decipher. Admittedly, I've only my CS undergrad degree, and not an advanced
degree in Mathematics. But I hope that those of you who are, or who have
nonetheless instructed yourselves about election methods, wade through the
terminology and context-sensitive shorthand, which seems to be missing a
glossary for the most part. I'm sure I don't always want the rigor of a full
proof, but I think it shouldn't be an invalid request to ask for one for
assertions people make on the list, and furthermore that it shouldn't
"stand" until all of the semantics issues have been ironed out (definitions
for all of the words, associations of variable names to what quantities they
represent, etc.)

I don't want to put the kibosh on discussion here -- if you have a nifty
algorithm that seems to work and you want to share, great, I suppose. But
that's still a far cry from showing it's the "best" or "most appropriate"
(or in one of those equivalence classes).

If there are established goals for this list's existence, I would hope they
would include:
1) Advancing the state-of-the-art and/or research in new mechanisms for
voting scenarios.
2) Advancing the understanding-of-the-art by objective and hopefully
practical/meaningful comparisons of various mechanisms in various voting
scenarios, by both (a) experts, and (b) non-experts, including non-math
experts, seeking to understand these systems so they can _enact changes in
their local legislative bodies_ by replacing outdated and objectively worse
systems with new ones mentioned, analyzed and weighed here.

As it stands, it appears in addition to the above we have some one-shot
ideas that fizzle (at least insofar as online discussion is concerned) as
well as flame wars over inflated egos. As far as I am concerned, the
doctor's robe is not a license to badger or berate, and if that behavior is
being perpetrated on you, many people on this list _can already recognize
that_. There's no need to enter into such noise generation as a "defense";
further clarification and elucidation of the algorithms is the only defense
I'm interested in.

Now to go back to lurking, and seeing if I can pick my way through
understanding these methods you're discussing, and the analyses thereof.


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