Juho says:

This kind of differences could also explain some unexplainable differences in the attitudes on strategic voting on this list :-).

I reply:

No, it can’ explain them if they’re unexplainable. But it might explain them if they’re _otherwise_ unexplainable.

I don’t know what you mean by “attitudes”. Drastic pre-emptive-surrender giveaway defensive strategy happens. You seem to believe that with your strategy-ridden margins method it won’t happen. An unexplainable attitude? Sure.

Juho says:

My learning is that it would be good to always state one's assumptions clearly.

I reply:

That particular statement itself could be a bit clearer. If you believe that I didn’t state an assumption that I should have stated, then shouldn’t you say what it is?

Mike Ossipof

election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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