On Apr 17, 2007, at 9:54 AM, James Gilmour wrote:

>> From: Howard Swerdfeger > Sent: 17 April 2007 17:37
>> Tactical voting is easy in STV.
>> Step 1 : Determine what your preferred ranking is.
>> Step 2 : Determine who is sure to lose the election
>> Step 3 : Rank all candidates you are sure will loose above
>> the rest of your "real" list
>> The only flaw that I see is if you elect someone from your
>> "sure to lose list".
> Precisely!!
> If enough other voters pick on the same "loser" because they are  
> playing
> the same game, your "loser" will become a "winner".  There is good
> evidence from real public elections with STV-PR that attempts at
> tactical voting of this kind are unwise.  The only good advice for
> STV-PR public elections, i.e. with large numbers of voters whose
> preferences you cannot possibly know, is "Do NOT attempt to vote
> tactically.  Vote positively for the candidates you really want".
> James Gilmour

Alternatively, use Meek's or Warren's method, either of which is  
immune to this particular strategy.

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