Just since this has been a frequent topic of the list the past few days I
thought listers might have an interest in yesterday's Washington Post
editorial against Rush Holt's HR 811 and current federal paper trail


Ballot Boxing
Congress should proceed cautiously in requiring new voting procedures. 

VOTES SHOULD count and be counted. Agreed. But the devil is in the details.

The House will soon consider a bill introduced by Rep. Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.)
that aims to make all ballots voter-verifiable and recountable and to set up
a system for audits, or partial recounts, of ballots in every federal race.
Those are important goals, especially given recent high-profile election
foul-ups. But the bill's provisions are overly prescriptive and in some
cases impossible to implement in their current form.

1034.html> /wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/20/AR2007052001034.html




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