
so you were thinking of Borda where equal rankings are not allowed. Why 
didn't I think of that?

I was thinking of "vote against one," which could be called Reverse 
Plurality, the base method for each step of the Coombs sequential 
elimination method. Equivalently, it could be described as, "vote for 
exactly two candidates."

This method would elect C because the 45 in favor of B would have no 
reason to vote against B or C, so they would all vote against A.  If 
the other 55 voted more against C than B, then B would win, so they 
will vote more against B than C, which allows C to win.

Unlike Borda, this solution works even if the ratings for C are low:

55 A>>C>B
45 B>>C>A

I'm not advocating Reverse Plurality, but it is perhaps the simplest 
deterministic solution to the challenge.

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