From: Jobst Heitzig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think we have! The reasoning is this: 55% like A best, 45% like B best.
> Therefore the "democratic benchmark" solution with which we should compare
> prospective solutions is the lottery that elects A with 55% probability and B
> with 45% probability. Now, all voters prefer C to this benchmark, but only 55%
> prefer A to this benchmark and only 45% prefer B to the benchmark. From this
> point of view C is a better solution than A is.
That is interesting.? There has to be some baseline/fallback before negotiation
can begin.? This is normally the status quo or some baseline cultural viewpoint.
The baseline would be random ballot.? However, 2 ballots can be combined into
a single new ballot.? The actual ratings don't matter in the context of picking
the winner, but they do matter for the combination algorithm.
Each vote pair can be replaced by a combined vote.
If I vote 100 - 80 - 0 and so does another, then that can be replaced by
2) 100 - 80 - 0
This represents no increase in utility.? This vote if picked will pick A as the
winner.? This is the same as 2 separate votes with half probability.
It gets a little more complex when combining votes which are different.
Combine (100 - 80 - 0) with (0 - 80 - 100)
Is 0 - 100 - 0 an improvement from the perspective of both votes ?
Assuming no more combinations take place, then this represents an improvement.
(50 - 80 - 50) would also be an improvement in that context as if there is no
more combinations, that that is a C win.
The question comes down to defining the value of a vote while also incorporating
the fact that futher negotiation is possible.
If that can be done, then there could be an auction.? Each vote is combined with
the other vote that maximises the combined value.? Votes remain uncombined if
the combination results in a lowering of value from the perspective of one or
other vote.
Bullet votes would never combine.? The bullet vote would never gain anything by
giving up some chance of its main choice winning as it considers all the others
equally bad.? I wonder if that can be used to help with the combination.
> If Candidates A and B agree to "trade" their power by transferring their 
> complete
> share of the probability to C, both factions will gain.
However, in practice, they won't.? Most candidates would prefer a 45% chance 
they will win over a 100% chance that they won't.? Their own personal utlities
will swamp any difference in factional utilities


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