n Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Kathy Dopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rob,
> I noticed that you did not try to answer one of my sincere questions
to you (I am a highly skilled teacher

whose college classes always had
> the highest score of all the classes taught by all the professors and
> other TA's on any department-wide final mathematics exams. I did this
> by questioning my classes and making them think, although some
> students reacted antagonistically by being forced to learn to think
> rather than being able to simply memorize.)
> Your entire email (below) disparaged me personally and
> mischaracterized me rather than trying to honestly communicate on the
> issue, so I will waste no more time or effort trying to teach you how
> to think logically about the issues concerning how to or why to assure
> the accuracy of election outcomes.

Give me a break.....you do the exact same things you accuse me of.
 Mischaracterize?  Where?  I advocate a balanced perspective on things, and
when I do, you constantly use the straw man of "so you are saying its fraud
is ok" when I did nothing of the kind.

I didn't address your issues in the last message because they are more of
the same, and I have already addressed them (and I don't have an infinite
amount of time).  And I get tired of your habit of ridiculing anyone who
doesn't agree with you, then crying "personal attack" as soon as they argue
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