Hi Chris,

--- En date de : Jeu 16.10.08, Chris Benham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> De: Chris Benham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Objet: [EM] Worst Voting Method
> À: "EM" <election-methods@lists.electorama.com>
> Date: Jeudi 16 Octobre 2008, 1h45
> I don't see antiplurality as much worse than FPP.
> Antiplurality  (vote against one, candidate with fewest
> votes wins) meets
> Majority Loser  and  Strong Favourite  Betrayal.

Antiplurality is just a race to nominate as many candidates as possible
so that none of them get any votes.

> Very bad is the Supplementary Vote used to elect some
> mayors in the 
> UK.   It is like the Contingent Vote  (one trip to the
> polls TTR) except
> voters are only allowed to rank 2 candidates.

I don't see how this is "very bad." I could see how you might think it
is easily improved. But is this method better or worse than Approval? Is 
it better or worse than FPP?

> Borda Voting is also very bad.  It fails  Majority
> Favourite and  "Rich Party"
> (meaning that it fails Clone-Loser in a way that advantages
> factions who field
> more candidates).

Just like Antiplurality.

Kevin Venzke

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