Hmm, only kick out the losingest loser. I kinda think there would still be discontinuities, but it might be better. Probably worth trying. Now I just need to code that up and run the diagram code. Dunno when I'll actually get around to that.

Has anyone checked what happens to regular IRV under such a system?

On Oct 19, 2008, at 2:35 AM, Greg Nisbet wrote:

Would Brian's IRNR benefit from an addditional level of recursion?

The current way to eject candidates is to compare range scores, what
if you modify that slightly?

Instead of kicking out the person with the lowest range score you
replace that with:

Kick out the person with the highest range score, shift the ratings
and do the same thing again. You are left with one candidate.

Kick this candidate out from the main system and repeat the above step.

Just as a broader question, do methods such as IRV, Nanson, Baldwin,
IRNR generally perform better or worse as additional levels of
recursion are added?
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