--- On Mon, 19/1/09, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:

> > - Why was the first set of definitions
> > not good enough for Approval? (I read
> > "rank" as referring to the sincere
> > personal opinions, not to the ballot.)
> "vi ranks", and vi is by definition the ballot.
> That's why the second  
> definition introduces o.

OK. I should say that is the way I'd
like to read it.


> >>    Call C "manipulable by voter
> strategy" if
> >> there exist two collections
> >>    of votes v,v' in V(X,N) and some voter i in
> N such
> >> that both of
> >>    the following conditions hold:
> >>         1.  v'j = vj for all voters j in N-i.
> >>         2.  vi ranks C(v') over C(v).


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