Fred Gohlke wrote:

> re: "Sorry, I expanded the context."
> As we used to say, years ago, 'sufficient unto the day is the evil 
> thereof'.  When responding to my comments about political parties, why 
> 'expand the context'?  In a discussion of a complex topic, focus is 
> imperative.  Why go beyond the issues I raised.  If you can refute my 
> assertions about political parties, please do so.  If not, agree they are 
> correct, and we can proceed from that point.

What were my reasons?  Well, if you hadn't quoted me out of context,
then it would obvious.  Here is what I wrote:

  (Sorry, I expanded the context.  See the reasons below...)

By narrowing the scope of what I wrote to a single unrepresentative
snippet, you put a deliberate spin on it.  You then proceed to examine
that snippet in lieu of the whole, and lo! you find fault with it.
Well, the fault is your own fabrication.  To expose its
groundlessness, simply expand the context.  You have already been

> In addition to altering the context of the discussion, you couched your 
> response in a different, and, to me, unintelligible, language.  If we are 
> to discuss a complex topic, it is important that we do so in a common 
> language.  I wrote my description in English.  That's the only language I 
> consider myself capable of using for communication.  If you can explain why 
> my comments about political parties are incorrect, and would care to do so 
> in English, I will respond as well as I can.

For definition of terms, refer to this post:

If any of the symbols remain unintelligible, then please quote them
(in context), and I will translate them into English.  You will soon
catch on.

In expanding the context, I subtitled the thread and thus branched a
subthread.  There was no other response to your original critique of
the party system (Partisan Politics).  If anyone still wishes to join
you in that critique, whether in agreement or disagreement, they may
reply to your original post in its original, narrow context.  This
subthread (Rising Above It) is not concerned with the narrow context.
You will be challenged here, if you attempt to fall back on it.

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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