Very ingenious!Perhaps the method could be adapted some way to choose a clone 
class, thenĀ  a sub clone class within the winning clone class, etc.----- 
Original Message -----From: Jobst Heitzig Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009 
4:32 amSubject: strategy-free Condorcet method after all!To: EM Cc: Forest W 
Simmons > Dear folks,> > it seems there is a stragegy-free Condorcet method 
after all -- say> good-bye to burying, strategic truncation and their 
relatives!> > More precisely, I believe that at least in case of complete > 
information(all voters knowing some details about the true > preferences of all 
other> voters) and when all voters will follow dominating strategies, > then 
the> following astonishingly simple method will always make unanimous > 
sincerevoting the unique dominating strategy, and it will always > elect a 
true> beats-all winner (=Condorcet winner):> > > Method: Reverse Llull> 
=====================> > 1. Sort the options into some arbitrary ordering 
X1,...,Xn (e.g.> alphabetically or randomly), publish this ordering, and put 
i=n.> > 2. If already i=1, then X1 is the winner. Otherwise, ask all voters> 
whether they prefer Xi or the option they expect to be the > winner of> 
applying this method to the remaining options X1,...,X(i-1).> > 3. If more 
voters prefer Xi, Xi is the winner. Otherwise, > decrease i by> 1 and repeat 
steps 2 and 3.> > > Why should this be strategy-free?> > If n=2, the question 
in step 2 is whether X1 or X2 is preferred > and the> method is traditional 
majority choice in which sincere voting is known> to be the dominant strategy 
in case of 2 options.> > For n>2, we prove strategy-freeness inductively, 
assuming it has been> proved for n-1 options already: Since we assume that each 
voter > followsdominant strategies and knows enough about the other voter's> 
preferences, and since each voters knows that sincere voting is the> unique 
dominant strategy for all cases of at most n-1 options, > she will> know in 
step 2 which option Xj would win if the method was > applied to> X1,...,X(i-1), 
and she will also know that her vote at this step does> not influence which 
option Xj is but only whether Xi or Xj will win.> That is, in step 2 all voters 
face a simple majority choice > between two> known options Xi and Xj, so again 
voting sincerely in this step > is the> unique dominant strategy. By induction, 
the whole method is > strategy-free.> > > The method is in some sense the 
reverse of Llull's famous > earliest known> "Condorcet' method from the 13th 
century (cited recently on this > list):In the classical Llull method, voters 
would first make a > majoritydecision between X1 and X2, then a majority choice 
> between the winner of> the first choice and X3, and so on working thru the 
whole list of> options, always keeping the last winner and comparing it with > 
the next> option in the list. The overall winner is the winner of the last > 
comparison.> So, the only difference between classical Llull and Reverse > 
Llull is the> order in which these pairwise comparisons are done. If we assume 
all> voters vote sincerely in classical Llull, both method would be> 
equivalent. But with strategic voters, the difference is > important: In> 
classical Llull, a voter's voting behaviour in one step can influence> the 
results of the later steps (because it can influence which > candidate"stays in 
the ring"), whereas in Reverse Llull it cannot.> > > In practice, the method 
can be sped-up by using approval-style ballots> on which each voter marks after 
step 1 every option Xi which she > prefersto the expected winner of the subset 
X1,...,X(i-1).> > As for additional properties, Reverse Llull is 
Pareto-efficient,> Smith-efficient (i.e. elects a member of the Smith set), and 
> monotonic,but not clone-proof.> > I wonder if we can also find a clone-proof 
version of this... > Any ideas?> > > Yours, Jobst>
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