robert bristow-johnson wrote:

i haven't been following closely this example scenario (for some reason they don't seem compelling to me), but i did see "WV" referred to several times and missed the definition. i can imagine it might stand for West Virginia or Working Voter or Winning Votes or i dunno. can someone fill me in?

WV is "winning votes". Say the method in question works upon variables d[x,y], and the Condorcet matrix is c[x,y] for some pair x,y of candidates.

Then, WV defines:
  d[x,y] = c[x,y] if c[x,y] > c[y,x], otherwise 0.
and Margins defines:
  d[x,y] = max(0, c[x,y] - c[y,x]).

"Pairwise Opposition", the PO in MMPO, just defines d[x,y] = c[x,y].

There are other ways of defining d as well, but those are the most common (and wv and margins much more common than PO).
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