fsimm...@pcc.edu wrote:

By the way, (contrary to Marcus' confusion) UncAAO does satisfy  Monotonicity,
Clone Independence, IDPA, and Independence from Non-Smith Alternatives, as well
as the following:

1.  It elects the same member of a clone set as the method would when restricted
to the clone set.

2.  If a candidate that beats the winner is removed, the winner is unchanged.

3.  If an added candidate covers the winner, the new candidate becomes the new

4.  If the old winner covers an added candidate, the old winner still wins.

5.  It always chooses from the uncovered set.

6.  It is easy to describe:  Initialize L to be an empty list.  While there
exists some alternative that covers every member of L,  add to L the one (from
among those) ranked on the greatest number of ballots.  Elect the last candidate
added to L.
What other deterministic method (based on ranked ballots with truncations
allowed) satisfies all of these criteria?

River is the only (other) method I know of that meets Monotonicity, clone independence, IPDA, and independence from non-Smith alternatives. It's "simple" (affirm defeats that do not create a cycle or a branching), but as for whether it meets the other criteria, I do not know.

River also satisfies something Jobst called "independence of strongly dominated alternatives", which is stronger than IPDA. It's defined here: http://lists.electorama.com/pipermail/election-methods-electorama.com/2004-October/014018.html
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