On 6.8.2011, at 19.40, Jameson Quinn wrote:

> More thoughts on the "chicken problem".
> Again, in Forest's version, that's a scenario like:
> 48 A
> 27 C>B
> 25 B>C
> C is the pairwise champion, but B is motivated to truncate, and C to 
> retaliate defensively, until A ends up winning.
> In my opinion, scenarios like this make the single most intractable practical 
> strategy problem in voting theory: 
> Approval, Range, and median-based systems all suffer directly. 
> Most winning-vote-like Condorcet systems fall prey, including otherwise-great 
> systems like Schulze. 
> Margins systems have no truncation incentive - but as a direct consequence, 
> they give extremely difficult-to-justify results if the B block truncates; in 
> fact, they allow a strategic C block to fool the system into thinking it's 
> seeing this scenarion when actually B and C are mortal enemies. 
> IRV does relatively well with this scenario - but in return, pays no 
> attention at all to the second choice of the A voters, which should be 
> decisive if it exists. 
> At the other extreme, some systems resolve this problem by forcing strict 
> rankings from the A voters - but if they really don't have a preference, that 
> ends up being just statistical noise, and doesn't even necessarily remove the 
> game-of-chicken incentives if things are balanced right. Moreover, forcing B 
> and C voters into strict rankings only makes them escalate their truncations 
> into burials.
> Most of us, when we want to "test" our voting systems with a difficult case, 
> use a strict-ranking Condorcet cycle of three; the old, standard ABC BCA CAB 
> scenario. That's nice and simple, but not very realistic. To me, the "game of 
> chicken" scenario; the resulting Condorcet cycle if B truncates; and related 
> scenarios that could strategically be made to masquerade as these; are better 
> practical tests for a voting system. In fact, I'd go so far as to guess that 
> a real-life Condorcet cycle would be more likely to be the result of playing 
> chicken than of honest preferences.
> As Forest already explained, SODA, as currently formulated, resolves the game 
> of chicken — if all votes are delegated. It can do that because games among 
> finite candidates are much more tractable than those among oceans of voters. 
> SODA's "sequential trick" would be ridiculous with voters; imagine "Your turn 
> to vote is on Sunday at 2:35:58 PM."
> In my previous message in this thread (Re: SODA and the Condorcet criterion), 
> I pointed out that there's still a problem if voters explicitly truncate by 
> refusing to delegate. But I've been considering this issue, and eventually I 
> found a solution that I think is simple enough to include in SODA:
> Make all candidate's predeclared rankings into strict rankings by breaking 
> declared ties in order of the current approval totals when it's their turn to 
> use their delegated votes.
> So if B voters truncated, candidate A would see that B was headed for a win, 
> and would have the option to delegate to C. All the truncation would have 
> accomplished would be to make A into a kingmaker between B and C. Since A 
> could have had this kingmaker power, if she had wanted it, from the start, 
> that's not a problem. The only difference between this end-game kingmaker 
> power of A's, and if she had simply declared a preference from the start, is 
> that the end-game power could in theory arise no matter which of B or C has 
> more approvals, whereas an initial preference would only confer kingmaker 
> power if the preferred candidate ended up with fewer approvals.
> Is this version of SODA really the only system to have a fully-satisfactory 
> resolution to the chicken problem? Even if it is, is it worth adding this 
> additional complexity to SODA? Can anyone make a chicken-like scenario which 
> still stumps this SODA version? (If your scenario has more than 4 candidates, 
> please use DAC instead of approval to find the SODA order of play.) Or do you 
> know of a different system which creatively resolves the chicken problem?

Remember trees :-). In a tree where B and C form one branch they and their 
voters are bound to support each others.


> JQ
> 2011/8/5 Jameson Quinn <jameson.qu...@gmail.com>
> 2011/8/5 <fsimm...@pcc.edu>
> Jameson,
> as you say, it seems that SODA will always elect a candidate that beats every 
> other candidate majority
> pairwise.  If rankings are complete, then all pairwise wins will be by 
> majority.  So at least to the degree
> that rankings are complete, SODA satisfies the Condorcet Criterion.
> Also, as I mentioned briefly in my last message under this subject heading, 
> SODA seems to completely
> demolish the "chicken" problem.
> Well.... almost. See below.
> To review for other readers, we're talking about the scenario
> 48 A
> 27 C>B
> 25 B>C
> Candidates B and C form a clone set that pairwise beats A, and in fact C is 
> the Condorcet Winner, but
> under many Condorcet methods, as well as for Range and Approval, there is a 
> large temptation for the
> 25 B faction to threaten to truncate C, and thereby steal the election from 
> C.  Of course C can counter
> the threat to truncate B, but then A wins.  So it is a classical game of 
> "chicken."
> Some methods like IRV cop out by giving the win to A right off the bat, so 
> there is no game of chicken.
> But is there a way of really facing up to  the problem?  i.e. a way that 
> elects from the majority clone set
> by somehow diffusing the game of chicken?
> The problem is that in most methods both factions must decide more or less 
> simultaneously.  However,
> if the decisions can be made sequentially, then the faction that "plays" 
> first can safely forestall the
> chicken threat of the other.  That's one reason that it makes sense for SODA 
> to have the candidates
> play sequentially, and to have the strongest candidate of a clone (or near 
> clone) set go before the other
> candidate or candidates in the clone set.
> Since DAC is designed to pick out the strongest candidate in the plurality 
> winner clone set, it is a
> natural for setting the order of play (in the sophisticated version of SODA).
> Another way to solve the chicken problem is to not allow truncations.  But in 
> SODA it seems essential
> to allow the candidates to truncate.  However there is a pressure  for the 
> candidates to not truncate too
> high up in the rankings; if they do, they lose credibility with their 
> supporters, so fewer of them will
> delegate their approval decisions to them.
> That is a key point. The other aspect of SODA is that it allows candidate A 
> to change their rankings after they see candidate B's rankings. In the rules 
> on the SODA page, it is deliberately left vague how many recursions of that 
> are possible, or what the exact rules are there. One possible rule would be 
> some form of binding "I'll prefer you if you'll prefer me" declaration, to 
> avoid recursion. The point is that, however the rule works formally, that no 
> candidate will ever get caught by surprise, and so any candidate can make a 
> credible threat: I'll truncate you if you truncate me.
> That is not to say that all inter-candidate preferences would be mutual. Just 
> that if both sides agreed that mutual preference was appropriate, as in a 
> true case of near-clones, there could be no "sneak attacks" of truncation. In 
> other cases, truncation threats between candidates would be almost certainly 
> inneffective... "OK, go ahead and truncate me, I don't like you anyway.". The 
> candidate making the threat is either weaker (in which case they have no 
> reason to make it, because they'll never get the transferred votes) or 
> stronger (in which case they have no reason because they'll never need the 
> votes).
> So, I'm satisfied that SODA has enough safeguards against over-truncation by 
> candidates, which helps resolve the "chicken problem".
> However. SODA still does not completely eliminate this problem. Individual 
> voters, by voting explicitly non-delegated bullet votes, still can truncate, 
> if they realize it works. That is much less likely, because a "lazy" voter 
> will delegate by default. After all, If Fsimmons does not see this strategy 
> possibility, how many normal voters will? Still, I must admit, it's possible.
> I've thought of ways to resolve it, but I don't see any easy, simple ones. It 
> is absolutely not an option to keep voters from casting non-delegated votes. 
> One possibility is that a candidates second-hand votes (that is, votes which 
> were originally delegated to another) are weighted by D/(D+U), where D is 
> that candidate's delegated total and U is that candidate's direct undelegated 
> approval total. This does a good job at fixing the voter-truncation chicken 
> problem - but it makes the system badly nonmonotonic. Any candidate who 
> received more second-hand than first-hand votes would have their final total 
> reduced for each direct approval they'd gotten! So you could fix the fix, 
> ensure so that second-hand votes beyond D+U were weighted fully... but by 
> now, you could certainly no longer call the system SODA, it would become CODA.
> So I think the best thing to do is just ignore this vestigal chicken problem.
> Since having complete rankings helps both in chicken and with regard to the 
> Condorcet Criterion, it
> might be worth using the implicit order in the approval ballots of the 
> supporters of candidate X to
> complete X's rankings by using that implicit order to rank the candidates 
> truncated by X (or otherwise
> ranked equal by X).
> Ugh. The big problem with this is that approval-style votes for a candidate 
> will be, by definition, from voters who disagree with that candidate's actual 
> ordering. Also, as a small group, it would be very vulnerable to hijacking, 
> at little cost.
> This would discourage X from too much truncation, and would make it more 
> likely that the true CW was
> elected in the (usual?) case where there is one.
> Yes, I sympathize with the goal. But I can't see how to achieve it without 
> inventing CODA.
> JQ
> Forest
> > From: Jameson Quinn
> > To: EM
> > Subject: [EM] SODA and the Condorcet criterion
> > Here's the new text on the SODA
> > page> Delegated_Approval#Criteria_Compliance>relatingto the Condorcet
> > criterion:
> > It fails the Condorcet
> > criterion,
> > although the majority Condorcet winner over the ranking-
> > augmented ballots is
> > the unique strong, subgame-perfect equilibrium winner. That is
> > to say that,
> > the method would in fact pass the *majority* Condorcet winner
> > criterion,assuming the following:
> >
> > - *Candidates are honest* in their pre-election rankings.
> > This could be
> > because they are innately unwilling to be dishonest, because
> > they are unable
> > to calculate a useful dishonest strategy, or, most likely,
> > because they fear
> > dishonesty would lose them delegated votes. That is, voters
> > who disagreed
> > with the dishonest rankings might vote approval-style instead
> > of delegating,
> > and voters who perceived the rankings as dishonest might
> > thereby value the
> > candidate less.
> > - *Candidates are rationally strategic* in assigning their
> > delegated vote. Since the assignments are sequential, game
> > theory states that there is
> > always a subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium, which is always
> > unique except in
> > some cases of tied preferences.
> > - *Voters* are able to use the system to *express all relevant
> > preferences*. That is to say, all voters fall into one of two
> > groups: those who agree with their favored candidate's
> > declared preference order and
> > thus can fully express that by delegating their vote; or
> > those who disagree
> > with their favored candidate's preferences, but are aware of
> > who the
> > Condorcet winner is, and are able to use the approval-style
> > ballot to
> > express their preference between the CW and all second-place
> > candidates. "Second place" means the Smith set if the
> > Condorcet winner were removed from
> > the election; thus, for this assumption to hold, each voter
> > must prefer the
> > CW to all members of this second-place Smith set or vice
> > versa. That's
> > obviously always true if there is a single second-place CW.
> >
> > The three assumptions above would probably not strictly hold
> > true in a
> > real-life election, but they usually would be close enough to
> > ensure that
> > the system does elect the CW.
> >
> > SODA does even better than this if there are only 3 candidates,
> > or if the
> > Condorcet winner goes first in the delegation assignment order,
> > or if there
> > are 4 candidates and the CW goes second. In any of those
> > circumstances,under the assumptions above, it passes the
> > *Condorcet* criterion, not just
> > the majority Condorcet criterion. The important difference
> > between the
> > Condorcet criterion (beats all others pairwise) and the majority
> > Condorcetcriterion (beats all others pairwise by a strict
> > majority) is that the
> > former is clone-proof while the latter is not. Thus, with few
> > enough strong
> > candidates, SODA also passes the independence of clones
> > criterion
> > .
> >
> > Note that, although the circumstances where SODA passes the Condorcet
> > criterion are hemmed in by assumptions, when it does pass, it
> > does so in a
> > perfectly strategy-proof sense. That is *not* true of any actual
> > Condorcetsystem (that is, any system which universally passes
> > the Condorcet
> > criterion). Therefore, for rationally-strategic voters who
> > believe that the
> > above assumptions are likely to hold, *SODA may in fact pass the
> > Condorcetcriterion more often than a Condorcet system*.
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