Kristofer offers a bit of thought, but we are still missing too much of the basic needs.

Voter NEEDs to be able to vote for candidates preferred (plural).
     Approval offers this much, at little cost, but nothing more.

Voter NEEDs to be able to indicate relative preference among those voted for. Start with one or more first choices. Then add in less liked, wanted only if first choices lose. For example, vote for the most tolerable of the expected leaders, wanted only if better cannot get elected.
     Condorcet ranking is one way to offer this.

Voters NEED to have the desires they express counted.
IRV is the most visible failure of this type - accepting Condorcet style ranking, but then making decisions based only on what are, for the moment, top ranks.

Voting and counting rules need to be kept simple to help with understanding.

I admit to preference for Condorcet, but demand of others comparable quality.

Dave Ketchum

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