On 23.10.2011, at 23.18, MIKE OSSIPOFF wrote:

> Juho--
> Of course there won't be many polling locations Right now, I know of only 
> one--my own local poll, which
> might turn out to be the only one. In that case, I'll have no choice but to 
> infer about the entire country
> from a poll in my own town.
> With luck there might be a few (three or four?) other people on EM who are 
> willing to conduct polls in their
> cities around the country. Maybe, maybe not. I'm not counting on it. If mine 
> is the only poll, then that's just
> how it is.

But if you want, you can get more volunteers outside the EM list - up to tens 
or hundreds. Just plan the procedure for them and they'll do the work. I'm not 
sure what would be the best place to look for such volunteers but I'm sure 
there are interested people somewhere.

And the wider you make the campaign, the more there will be publicity for new 


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