listen guys, i plonked MIKE OSSIPOFF long ago. except from what you repeat, i have no idea what he's been saying.


r b-j        

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

On 1/21/12 10:04 PM, David L Wetzell wrote:
A word from someone who is more grounded in "real life"...
To: David L Wetzell < <>>

Mr. Wetzell, tell Mr. Ossipuff and the list (1) to look at the article /Multicollinearity and Micronumerosity <>/* to see the word in action; and (2) "micronumerosity" is an *English* word, and English is a language chock full of words formed from many other languages, including Greek and Latin.
  - Ken Bearman

* ... which I found merely by Googling "micronumerosity". As you also wrote, "[I]s EM the true standard for real life or is it biased by virtue of how its members are oft removed from the world of real life activism?" ... and dictionaries.

On 1/21/2012 2:39 PM, David L Wetzell wrote:

    Dave says:

    It's called the problem of micronumerosity.

    MO:Nonsense. That isn't a descriptive name. No doubt anything is
    called by different names by
    different people. The problem referred to is best known, well
    known, as the spoiler problem, which is also an incomparably
    better descriptive (if less pretentious) term. Maybe IRV's
    spoiler problem is called "the problem of micronumerosity" by the
    same people (or person?) who use your other pretentiously
    pseudoscientific language.

dlw: Micronumerosity is not nonsense. it may be better known as the "Law of Small Numbers <>", which says people come to decisions based on too small of a sample. The "negative" effects of the possibility of a non-CW winner in an IRV-ish election can and should be observed on the basis of many elections,not two...

    The use of "micronumerosity" reveals an ignorance of word-origin:
    The first part of it is Greek, and the last part of it is Latin.

Like there was never any historic influence between the Greeks and Rome? They both were affected by the cultural imports of Pythagoras <,+teaching,+and+influence%22&aq=0v&aqi=g-v4&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=1a6a6fc03027a1ea&biw=1490&bih=905> from his travels abroad. And the word is not my own...

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