Mike offers serious thinking about Approval. I step up to Condorcet as being better and nearly as simple for the voter.

Voter can vote as in:
. FPTP, ranking the single candidate liked best, and treating all others as equally liked less or disliked. . Approval, ranking those equally liked best, and treating all others as equally liked less or disliked. . IRV, giving each voted for a different rank, with higher ranks for those liked best, and realizing that IRV vote counters would read only as many of the higher rankings as needed to make their decisions. . Condorcet, ranking the one or more liked, using higher ranks for those liked best, and ranking equally when more than one are liked equally.

Condorcet is little, if any, more difficult for voters than FPTP and Approval.
.     For many elections, voting as with them is good and as easy.
.. When a voter likes A and B but prefers A - Approval cannot say this, but it is trivial to vote with Condorcet's ranking.

In Condorcet the counters consider each pair of candidates as competing with each other. Usually one candidate, being best liked, proves this by winning in every one of its pairs. Unlike IRV (which requires going back to the ballots as part of the counting), counting here can be done in multiple batches of votes, and the data from the batches summed into one summary batch for analysis.

There can be cycles in Condorcet, such as A>B, B>C, and C>A, with these winning against all others. This requires a closer look to decide on the true winner, normally one of the cycle members. . Here the counters see the cycle, rather than a CW - and how to pick a winner from a cycle is a reason for the dispute as to what is best.

Range/score ratings have their own way of showing more/less desire. Truly more power than Condorcet ranking - AND more difficult to decide on rating values to best interact with what other voters may do.

Write-ins? Some would do away with such. I say they should be allowed for the cases in which something needs doing too late to attend to with normal nominations. True that voters may do some write- ins when there is no real need - and I have no sympathy for such voters - this needs thought.

Dave Ketchum

On Jan 28, 2012, at 3:13 PM, MIKE OSSIPOFF wrote
Re: [EM] Propose plain Approval first. Option enhancements can be later proposals.:

The enhancement consisting of voting options in an Approval election
should only be mentioned when there’s plenty of time to talk, and when talking to someone who is patient or interested enough to hear that much. And the enhancements should only be mentioned as possibilities, when speaking to
someone to whom the whole notion of voting-system reform is new.

Maybe that goes for SODA as well. Don’t propose too much
change, when talking to someone new to the subject.

So the method to propose first is ordinary Approval.

If, in some particular community, there is a committee of
people interested in working on a voting-system reform proposal, then, though the enhancements might be mentioned to that committee, the suggestion to include them in a public proposal should come only from other members of the committee, people new to voting systems. That’s a measure of their enactment-feasibility in that community.

For AOC, MTAOC, etc., I’ve spoken of two kinds of
conditionality :conditionality by mutuality, and conditionality by top-count. In an Approval election in which the conditional methods are offered as optional ways of voting, any particular voter could choose which of those two kinds of conditionality s/he intends to use for any particular conditional vote for any particular candidate. There’s no reason why a voter couldn’t specify
different kinds of conditionality for conditional votes for different

In the count, the conditionality by top-count should be done
first, and then, when those conditional votes are established, the calculation for conditionality by mutuality, as described in the MTAOC pseudocode, should
be done.

Of course, if SODA’s delegation is also an option in the
same election, then after the entire count is completed (including AERLO’s 2nd count if AERLO is offered), then the work of the delegates would begin, just as it would if SODA’s delegation were the only option enhancement in the election.

Of course, for SODA to work as needed, mutual approval
agreements among candidate-delegates, whether made before or after the
pre-delegate-work count(s), should be public, officially-recorded, and binding. Of course, one would expect that there would be no need for delegates to make
agreements before the pre-delegate-work count(s).

Since the current poll’s voting period doesn’t end till zero
hours, one minute, on February 1st (Wednesday), GMT (UT), or, in
other-words, at a minute after midnight, Tuesday night,  GMT (UT),
which is 4:01 p.m. Tuesday, Pacific Standard Time in the U.S., and 7:01 p.m.
Tuesday, Eastern Standard Time—then I’ll mention that of course the
above-described variety of conditionality options should be available in a mock
election too, including the current one.

Yes, I’ve noticed that no one’s participating in the
poll. I was glad to provide you the
opportunity to try out the methods that you advocate.

On a related subject: The other thing lacking at EM, in
addition to mock elections, is support for claims that a criterion is
important. We hear, “I consider this criterion to be very important”. But such assertions need to be supported by explanation of _why_ you consider that
criterion important.  Why should others
consider it important? What practical problems are present in non- complying methods but not in complying methods? What would it be like to vote in a
non-complying method?

That kind of criterion-discussion would make EM a useful
resource for people comparing the merits of voting systems.

As I said, I’ll be putting some definitions of methods,
voting-options, and criteria on the electowiki, and will continue to check EM
and reply when appropriate during that time.

Mike Ossipoff

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