On 03/29/2012 09:41 PM, Ted Stern wrote:
It is my impression that the only situations in which IIAC fails is
when there is no majority.

Would it be possible to get around IIAC by adding a two-candidate

I don't think so. In a subset of all possible two-round elections, the voters are perfectly consistent in the second round. That is, all the people who prefer A to B votes A above B if A and B are the second round candidates, and so for any and all pairs of candidates.

For these "perfectly consistent" scenarios, you can define a virtual one-round method that determines the winner and second-place finisher according to the original method, then determines how the voters would have voted in the second round according to the pairwise preferences submitted in the first round.

This virtual one-round method is an one-round method like any other. If it passes IIAC, then it serves as a one-round method that passes IIAC. So if a ranked two-round method passes IIAC, then there also exists a ranked one-round method that passes IIAC -- and if a rated two-round method passes IIAC, then there also exists a rated one-round method that passes IIAC. Runoffs by themselves don't grant IIAC where it otherwise wouldn't exist, because the runoff method has to be irrelevant of independent candidates in every single situation.

(Runoffs have other things going for them. They make strategy harder to pull off because strategists have to focus on two candidates, not just one; and the second round is always honest.)

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