On 07/13/2012 10:01 AM, Michael Allan wrote:
To Metagov, (cc Election Methods) [WIK]

This is a proposal to the Metagovernment community to organize, fund
and equip a network of public parties.  A public party is a decision
body that issues decisions in the same *form* as a political party,
but with the content, instead, of public opinion.  Like a political
party, it runs candidates for office; but because those candidates are
actually chosen by the public at large, they tend always to win.  I
propose using this argument of inevitable success to leverage the
resources needed to make it happen. [ACK]

A public party has two formal mechanisms that it shares in common with
political parties.  Like all parties, it has both a primary electoral
system and a primary legislative system.  The primary electoral system
is the mechanism that decides which candidates to place on the ballot
(single winner) or on the party list (multi-winner); while the primary
legislative system is the mechanism that decides which bills to floor
in the assembly.

It might be of interest to know that a Norwegian joke party had a platform somewhat like this. While it would not put the selection of candidates in the hands of the public, all the candidates (both of them) pledged to follow the public's will. Now, that might sound like what any politician would say, but they had a very precise definition in mind: they would put up a web poll about each parliamentary decision-to-be and then follow the people's decision according to that poll.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Political_Party_(Norway) for more information.

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