Good Afternoon, Juho

re: "In typical national elections the number of representatives
     is much smaller than the number of voters you will have the
     problem that candidates are distant to the voters, one way
     or another."

Only if you assume present practices are cast in concrete. Once you open your mind to the idea that we can each choose, from among those we know, a person we can trust to make choices for us, and that person gets ample time to examine his competitors for office, we will no longer be required to vote for people whose ability and integrity we have no way to validate.

re: "... or maybe they are allowed to elect only representatives
     that later elect some higher level representatives, and
     again, they will never meet the candidates that will be the
     top level representatives."

You're correct. They will not have met them, but each of them are part of a direct line of individuals that culminates in the people who are make the later selections. Depending on the way the process is implemented, they can influence those who make the later choices by expressing their position and providing whatever evidence they may have, good or bad, to those who are making the later choices. If the capability is implemented, they will also have the ability to institute a recall. Each of them is a link in the electoral chain and have reason to trust those who make the final selections because they were part of the process of selecting them.

re: "If we want each candidate to be forced to answer to some key
     questions that their fellow candidates might ask them (good
     idea), one solution would be to simply force them to do so."

It may not be simple. I'm not sure you can 'force' someone to answer a question - honestly. Words are cheap. What someone says is much less revealing than their demeanor when they say it. That's why face-to-face interaction is so important.

We would also need to decide who will formulate the question(s) or what the question(s) will be. I haven't thoroughly considered this idea, but perhaps others can help examine it.

re: "I mean that other candidates (maybe from second level up)
     (and maybe also media) would be entitled to ask some
     questions from them, and all candidates would have to
     present written answers to these questions publicly. (We may
     have to limit the number of questions, but that's another
     story.) Voters would still be the bottom level voters.  I
     kept that approach in the described approach to keep the
     link between the bottom level voters and the top level
     representatives direct (and to provide an alternative to the
     chained hierarchical evaluation model (where the elected
     elect the next level etc.)). My target was to empower the
     bottom level voters as much as possible."

I'm sorry, Juho. I seem to have missed one of your posts. You say, "I kept that approach in the described approach", but I haven't seen the approach you described.

re: "... I think no two countries are alike."

No, but people are pretty much the same all over the world. We all love and hope and dream and fear pretty much the same way. Genius and repugnance are distributed throughout the human race. Our various cultures develop at different rates, but our Attilas and our Napoleons pop-up here and there throughout our existence. If we can conceive a democratic electoral process, any community can use it when their local circumstances allow.

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