On 16 Nov 2012 07:29:52 -0800, Chris Benham wrote:
>It isn't a big deal if Ranked Pairs or River are used instead of
>Schulze.  "Losing Votes" means that the pairwise results are weighed
>purely by the number of votes on the losing side. The "weakest
>defeats" are those with the most votes on the losing side, and of
>course conversely the "strongest victories" are those with the
>fewest votes on the losing side.

Hi Chris,

Just so I understand this correctly:

You're saying that the pairwise contest A:3 > B:1 should be weighted
more strongly than C:3,000,001 > D:2,999,999?  Even though only 4
people care to vote in the A vs. B contest?


I'm not interested in "moral arguments" about this or that part of  an
algorithm.  If you don't like it, give an example with a result you don't
Chris Benham
Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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