Consider that there are a number of parties, with the ith party having vote fraction P_i. Now consider that you can divide the parties into two, left parties and right parties. Call the vote fraction for the left parties P_L and the vote fraction for the right parties P_R. Use the effective number of parties formula to determine the effective number of left parties N_L and the effective number of right parties N_R. Using the entropy formula, if only N_L changes, the ratio of the new number of total effective parties over the old number of total effective parties depends only on P_L, the new N_L and the old N_L. It will not depend at all how the right parties divide up their votes. No other formula will do this.
Interesting. When is it different from the other formula? Jameson Here is a physics alternative to the "effective number of parties" formulas mentioned on the Wikipedia page: Based on the concept of entropy, a sensible formula for the effective number of parties = exp(-sum_i P_i log(P_i)) where P_i is the portion of the votes or portion of seats for party i. sum_i P_i =1. It is sensible because for an election where n parties get 1/n of the vote each and the rest of the parties get zero votes, the effective number of parties from the entropy formula is n. ---- Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info
---- Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info