Democracy Chronicles, at, now has an
automated Approval balloting, , on party platforms, on the front page, in
the margin.

As with the rank-balloting poll, conducted in the "comments" space of the
article that announces the rank-balloting poll, the Approval poll has four

(listed in alphabetical order)


As with the rank-balloting poll, the poll is about _platforms_. Voters are
encouraged to look at a few platforms, all of which are linked to, from
links near the ballot.

Though write-ins are allowed in the rank-balloting poll (in which voters
write their rankings in the comments-space, write-ins aren't feasible for
the automated Approval balloting in the margin of the front-page.

Though it's an Approval balloting, so that anyone who approves a compromise
can always also approve hir favorite, voters are encouraged to only approve
their favorite.

Michael Ossipoff
Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

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