At 03:16 PM 3/13/2013, Richard Fobes wrote:
For the benefit of those who don't understand why FairVote promotes IRV (instant-runoff voting) in opposition to many forum participants here, I'm posting this extract from an excellent, well-written, long message by Abd.

On 3/13/2013 11:46 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
[not copied]

I'll add that in Canada the FairVote group directly advocates STV and European-based PR methods, not the stepping-stone IRV path.

(BTW, please don't confuse the similarly named FairVote and VoteFair names.)

I certainly won't.

Yes, STV is a far more sensible method, under certain multiwinner conditions. However, the essential problem does remain, premature elimination as a result of vote-splitting in first preference, further, there is the problem that Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) identified in the 1880s, that voters don't necessarily have adequate information to properly rank more than one candidate. Hence he proposed what we now call Asset Voting, as a tweak on STV.

With Asset Voting, candidates aren't actually eliminated; rather, they aren't elected yet, but they can exercise the votes they hold, to create winners, thus converting the voting system into a *deliberative process.* In theory, if two candidates are holding votes for the last seat, and can't come to an agreement, they can choose *someone else*, who might not have been a candidate at all!

The Election Science Foundation, an informal ancestor of the Center for Election Science, held an Asset election a few years ago, and it demonstrated the power of Asset. It was amazing to watch, and very different from what might have been expected, yet, -- except for one voter who has later said he was disappointed because -- horrors! -- a candidate who was the leading unelected candidate, after two had been elected, *gave his votes to another to create him as a winner.*

Every other voter accepted the result, and this one exception *did not actually object to the result,* but to the behavior of one candidate. Apparently he had the idea that this person was supposed to fight to the bitter end or something. Whatever happened to the idea that people offer to serve, but actually care more about the purposes and unity of the organization, than about *personal control*?

Just as IRV can fail to elect a candidate who would win, hands-down, in a pairwise contest with the IRV winner, STV can do something similar for representatives, it just happens less often and with less harm.

There are other PR methods which are less problematic. Asset could be the simplest to canvass, but is untried in public elections. I highly recommend using Asset for non-public elections, where one wants a truly representative assembly or council or committee. I'd be glad to assist with any implementation. Asset does something that could bring major benefits all by itself, the establishment of "electors" or "public voters" who can create -- or re-create, if needed, a representation of the *entire membership* with only consensual compromise. No votes need be wasted.

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