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Envoyé de mon iPad Air

> Le Dec 21, 2015 à 14:18, Patrick Durieux <> a écrit :
> ça bouge beaucoup aux states ...
> FAA and DOT: Your Private Registration Information Will Be Available to the 
> Public
> The FAA's FAQ says your private info will remain private. The DOT and an FAA 
> spokesman think otherwise.
> Click here to learn more. 
> AMA Members Urged Not to Register with the FAA
> The AMA sent out an email yesterday to members urging them to hold off on 
> registering with the FAA.
> Click here to learn more.
> Four Things More Dangerous Than a Drone, That Don't Require Registration
> In light of the recent FAA ruling, requiring all model aircraft between .5 
> and 55 lbs to be fixed with a registration number, I've compiled a list of 
> more dangerous things not requiring registration for comparison.
> Click here to learn more.
> Pat_2b

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