Hash: RIPEMD160

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 01:41:58AM +0000, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> ELinks is converting that argument to a URI, which process encodes the
> question mark and ampersands. In fact, don't you get a file-not-found
> error? Try providing a URI:
>    elinks 'file:///home/me/cgi-bin/printenv.cgi?value1&value2'

Very interesting indeed.  I tried using the whole path (with my own name
of course) and it worked! I got a populated QUERY_STRING and some
debugging stuff I added at the bottom using the CGI perl module started
working too.  I originally was using just 'cgi-bin/printenv?blabla'
without the tick marks and I found the script ok but I had the problems
previously noted.  I thought the cgi-path was supposed to help without
having to spell out the entire path of the original script.  May that
path comes in if I specify the name on a form action attribute or
something.  Anyway, this answer from you gets me past this herdle. 

Now on to some real CGI programming:).  I messed with php some before
but the neet thing about this CGI deal is I can run some full screen
apps without having to run the apache server on this box and I don't
have to master curses or any of that; just some good ol' simple console
apps with workable forms.  Gee, I could maybe even slip in some
javascript:).  But then again, I don't know javascript yet:).

Anyhow, thanks again for the reply; this may do the trick.

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