Well I tried to reply but my email was deleted.

Long story short, successive Map.put calls are actually inferior to walking 
intermediary lists and building a new map at the end. You can read more 
about it here: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/4415

You'll note that Map.take is actually built in just that 

On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 4:49:04 PM UTC-4, Filip Haglund wrote:
> Here's another implementation, using Enum.reduce, without an intermediate 
> list: 
> def map_filter_values(map, func) do
>   Enum.reduce map, %{}, fn {key, val}, acc ->
>     if func.(val) do
>       Map.put(acc, key, val)
>     else
>       acc
>     end
>   end
> end
> On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 6:27:07 PM UTC+2, Filip Haglund wrote:
>> I wish there was a Map.filter_values function that would filter on keys 
>> or values, but leave the other one intact. This seems like something that 
>> should be in the standard library.
>> Example implementation of a Map.filter_values that would filter a map 
>> based on its values, leaving the keys intact:
>> @doc """
>> Filter map based on its values, leaving the corresponding keys intact.
>> """
>> @spec map_filter_values(Map.t, (any -> boolean)) :: Map.t
>> def map_filter_values(map, func) do
>>   map |> Enum.filter(fn {_, val} -> func.(val) end) |> Map.new
>> end
>> A corresponding Map.filter_keys would also be nice.

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