If you want type-safety why not to just pick a strongly typed language, 
like Ocaml for example? Elixir is bound to Erlang VM and will never provide 
any features like you're describing that are not supported by Erlang. And I 
don't think type-checking ever happens at runtime in any language.

On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 12:00:53 PM UTC+1, Sergiy Kukunin wrote:
> Hello there. This is my first message to the elixir group. Thanks for the 
> great language.
> While I'm writing my code, I want to make functions to be safer. It's bad 
> practice if a function accepts unexpected input and pass it further, and it 
> blows in a completely different part of a system.
> At first glance, I have pattern matching, but it's pretty limited. It 
> becomes really powerful in conjunction with guards, so I can write a 
> signature to match literally everything. 
> But they hard to re-use, If I have multiple functions operating with the 
> same object. Yes, I can define a custom guard, but can I use pattern 
> matching there? `Kernel.match?/2` doesn't work, so I'm limited with only 
> guards in my custom guards.
> Another thing that we have typespecs. It seems exactly what I'm looking 
> for: you have a wide set of built-in types, and I can easily compose and 
> reuse my own types. The problem with it, that it doesn't affect runtime. I 
> know about static analyzer `dialyzer`, but I'm not sure it will catch all 
> cases since it's a static check, not a runtime.
> Let's assume a simple function, that wraps a value into a list:
>   @spec same(number()) :: [number()]
>   def same(number) do
>     [number]
>   end
> I'm sure the `dialyzer` won't complain since a signature is valid. But 
> what if I do: `same("abc")` ? What will prevent Elixir from returning a 
> wrong type? I guess, nothing. 
> An example from a real life: I have a function, that accepts a custom 
> shaped value (using tuples) and feeds it to a queue. Then, in the totally 
> different part of the system, a consumer gets values from the queue. And 
> when a wrong value was fed on the producer side, it blows on the consumer 
> side. So I decided to put some constraints on the producer side to fail 
> fast.
> Yes, I could define a guard, but again, if I have a pretty complex type 
> instead of the simple `number`, I had to duplicate the type defining: one 
> for typespec, another is for a custom guard (which is limited, since I 
> can't use pattern matching there).
> Wouldn't it be cool, If we had a mechanism to assert a value to its type, 
> in runtime? To avoid performance penalty we could enable it only for 
> runtime. Is there a way right now to check whether a value corresponds to a 
> type in runtime? Can I implement a custom macro to provide a good DSL for 
> this? Is it helpful at all?
> P.S. You may say, use structs and pattern matching would work in this 
> case. But what if my type is better represented by a tuple: {atom(), 
> pos_integer(), string()}. Converting it to a struct might complicate a way 
> to work with the value.

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