Also, these should also work:
&String.downcase == &String.downcase(&1)
&callback.() == &callback.(&1)
&role?(role) == &role?(&1, role)

On Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 8:45:35 AM UTC-4, Alexis Brodeur wrote:
> Let me reformulate that,
> If no capture arguments (i.e.: `&1`, `&2`, etc.) are used in a capture 
> function and the capture function is simply a function call (of the form 
> `&my_function(...)` or `&my_function`, `&1` will automatically be inlined 
> as the first argument of the captured function, thereby removing the need 
> to know arity at compile time.
> Meaning (pseudocode warning):
> &identity == &identity(&1)
> &role?(:admin) == &role?(&1, :admin)
> &role?(&2) != &role?(&1, &2) # capture argument, so no inlined first 
> argument
> If we go in this direction, why not add something like lens, a capture 
> structured like a property access.  `&.my_property` could translate to 
> `&(&1.my_property)` ?
> I think this is an interesting feature proposal, and both changes are 
> backward compatible.
> On Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 9:27:52 PM UTC-4, Rich Morin wrote:
>> Thanks for all the thoughtful responses.  Also, apologies for the 
>> ambiguities and 
>> omissions in my original note.  As so often happens, some of the things I 
>> had in 
>> mind didn't make it into my email.  (sigh) 
>> In this note, I'm only considering the case of named functions that are 
>> explicitly 
>> handed other named functions as arguments, via function capture.  So, for 
>> example, 
>> we don't have to worry about dealing with variables which are bound to a 
>> function. 
>> # Inferring arity of captured functions 
>> When a captured function (&bar) is being used as an argument to another 
>> function 
>> (foo), it may be possible to infer bar's arity.  In the case of library 
>> functions, 
>> this information should be available from the function's typespec.  For 
>> example, 
>> tells us that key_fun and 
>> value_fun 
>> both have arity 1: 
>>   group_by(enumerable, key_fun, value_fun \\ fn x -> x end) 
>>   group_by(t(), (element() -> any()), (element() -> any())) :: map() 
>> So, we should be able to write something like this: 
>>   list = ~w{ant buffalo cat dingo} 
>>   list |> Enum.group_by(&String.length) 
>>   # %{3 => ["ant", "cat"], 5 => ["dingo"], 7 => ["buffalo"]} 
>>   list |> Enum.group_by(&String.length, &String.first) 
>>   # %{3 => ["a", "c"], 5 => ["d"], 7 => ["b"]} 
>> To clarify my motivation, I'm not trying to save the effort of typing the 
>> arity 
>> information.  Rather, I'm trying to cut down on the amount of clutter on 
>> the page 
>> and (perhaps) the effort of reading it.  I also want to get the "/1" 
>> syntax out 
>> of the way to allow for the following notion. 
>> # Adding arguments to captured functions 
>> Many named functions take multiple arguments, so they can't be used in 
>> function 
>> captures.  Allowing arguments could extend their reach and reduce the 
>> need for 
>> special-purpose lambdas.  Here is some proposed syntax: 
>>   list = [ 
>>     { :status, 2, "This is a minor problem." }, 
>>     { :status, 1, "This is a major problem." } 
>>   ] 
>>   list |> Enum.sort_by(&elem(1)) 
>> which could replace complected horrors such as: 
>>   list |> Enum.sort_by(fn {_, x, _} -> x end) 
>>   list |> Enum.sort_by(fn x -> elem(x, 1) end) 
>> tells us that its mapper 
>> function 
>> needs to have arity 1: "(element() -> mapped_element)".  Although we're 
>> using 
>> elem/2, we're also handing it an argument, so the arity math comes out 
>> even... 
>> -r 

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