I failed to mention: I am using vscode with 
https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls. I don't know if the experience 
mentioned above differs when using other editors/plugins.

On Monday, May 4, 2020 at 5:37:14 PM UTC-6, Dallin Osmun wrote:
> I propose that we add `IO.error/2` which matches the signature of 
> `IO.warn/2`. It emits error diagnostics/messages instead of warnings and it 
> causes the compile step to finish with :error.
> *Reasoning*
> Often when building a macro you'll do some validation and `raise` an error 
> if something isn't right. This creates a poor experience for the person 
> using the macro for two reasons:
> 1. You can only raise one error at a time
> 2. You don't get a good picture of where the error is because your whole 
> editor turns red
> You can solve both of those problems by using `IO.warn/2`. You can emit 
> multiple warnings in a single compile step and you can pass in a stacktrace 
> which gets turned into a Compiler Diagnostic that in turn, creates good 
> editor hints. But now the compilation succeeds and you're left in a bad 
> state.
> I think it is useful to see multiple errors at a time because it shortens 
> the feedback loop. It also gives more context and can help you realize 
> where the root cause of your issue lies.
> I think it would be useful to have a function that shared the properties 
> of `IO.warn/2` and `raise/1`:
> - I can emit multiple messages during a single compilation run
> - These messages are output as Compiler Diagnostic errors
> - Invoking this function will ultimately cause the compilation step to 
> result in an :error
> *Examples*
> Today in Ecto Query, this snippet will cause the entire file to turn red 
> because we mistakenly used sort_by instead of order_by.
> query p in Product, sort_by: p.price
> Lets assume we forgot to load the :user type in this Absinthe Schema. We 
> have two errors but only one gets displayed. Once again, the entire editor 
> turns red. If instead we saw each line that referenced :user turn red it 
> might remind us more quickly that we forgot to call `import_types 
> MyApp.UserTypes`.
> query name: "Query" do
>   field :user, :user, resolve: &MyApp.Users.get_user/3
>   ...
>   field :users, list_of(:user), resolve: &MyApp.Users.list_user/3
>   ...
> end
> I'm currently working on a library to create GraphQL queries. I can detect 
> three errors in the following snippet. Today I can only report one at a 
> time and am greeted with the wall of red. If I switch to `IO.warn/2` I can 
> report them all and see nice editor hints but my user is left with broken 
> code after compile.
> query do
>   user(id: "should_be_a_number") do # wrong type for id
>     firstNam # misspelled, should be firstName
>     lastName do # lastName should not have a do...end block
>       name
>     end
>   end
> end
> *Code*
> Here is a patch that adds `IO.error/2`:
> https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/compare/master...numso:io-error

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