There's also an option of pattern matching any struct, not exactly a guard, but 
changing your code a bit shouldn't be a problem


def foo(%_{} = _struct), do...

def foo(map) when is_map(map), do...


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-------- Original Message --------
On 4 Jan 2023, 04:03, Jay Rogov wrote:

> Also note that there's is_map_key/2 guard that serves the same purpose when 
> used as `is_map_key(arg, :__struct__)`, allowing only maps but not structures:
> On Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 4:22:30 pm UTC+1 wrote:
>> I think that this is an interesting idea, but as Enumerable is a protocol, 
>> it is possible to implement enumerability for any given struct, as `MapSet` 
>> is enumerable.
>> This [SO 
>> answer](
>>  suggests using the Protocol.impl_for/1 callback instead. It can’t be used 
>> as a guard, but it gives a more accurate answer.
>> Whether `is_real_map/1` (or a different name) is more readable than `when 
>> is_map(term) and not is_struct(term)`, I can’t say because if I need to 
>> handle structs differently, I would generally use two different function 
>> heads (`def foo(term) when is_struct(term) do term |> Map.from_struct() |> 
>> foo() end` and `def foo(term) when is_map(term) do … end`).
>> -a
>> On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 1:25 AM vtm <> wrote:
>>> hey all, thanks for you work on such a beautiful lang.
>>> Small proposal. People sometimes get confused about data structures which 
>>> based on maps.
>>> for instance:
>>> ```
>>> iex(3)> {:ok, datetime} ="Etc/UTC")
>>> {:ok, ~U[2022-12-22 05:53:36.228720Z]}
>>> iex(5)> is_struct(datetime)
>>> true
>>> iex(6)> is_map(datetime)
>>> true
>>> ```
>>> but here i got an error
>>> ```elixir
>>> iex(11)> Enum.each(datetime, &Function.identity/1)
>>> ** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Enumerable not implemented for 
>>> ~U[2022-12-22 05:53:36.228720Z] of type DateTime (a struct)
>>> ```
>>> i have in a codebase in function definition something like
>>> `where is_map(map_name) and not is_struct(map_name)`
>>> what i suggest to do is to create a macro `is_real_map` to check only real 
>>> maps as a key-value storage with Enumerable impl
>>> ```elixir
>>> @doc """
>>> Returns true if `term` is a map and not is struct; otherwise returns 
>>> `false`.
>>> Allowed in guard tests.
>>> ## Examples
>>> iex> is_real_map(%{oi: :blz})
>>> true
>>> iex> is_real_map(URI.parse("/"))
>>> false
>>> """
>>> @doc since: "1.16.0", guard: true
>>> defmacro is_real_map(term) do
>>> case __CALLER__.context do
>>> nil ->
>>> quote do
>>> case unquote(term) do
>>> %_{} -> false
>>> %{} -> true
>>> _ -> false
>>> end
>>> end
>>> :match ->
>>> invalid_match!(:is_real_map)
>>> :guard ->
>>> quote do
>>> is_map(unquote(term)) and not :erlang.is_map_key(:__struct__, unquote(term))
>>> end
>>> end
>>> end
>>> ```
>>> --
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>> --
>> Austin Ziegler • •
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