I made a PR that implements 
this: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/12609

On Friday, May 26, 2023 at 10:39:28 AM UTC-7 Noah Betzen wrote:

> Erlang's process group module allows adding arbitrary PIDs to a group, 
> which can be used for things like PubSub: 
> https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/pg.html
> Registry's register function currently always registers the current 
> process; you cannot register an arbitrary process: 
> https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14.5/Registry.html#register/3
> However, there are ways to work around this with Registry; see attached 
> Livebook markdown for an example.
> I propose new functions:
>    - Registry.register/4
>       - register(pid, registry, key, value)
>       - Registry.unregister/3
>       - unregister(pid, registry, key)
>       - Registry.unregister_match/5
>       - unregister_match(pid, registry, key, pattern, guards \\ [])
>       - Registry.update_value/4
>       - update_value(pid, registry, key, callback)
> Another (potentially simpler) option might be to have the pid argument be 
> at the end and make it default to self().
> Thoughts? 😄 

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