I'm definitely open to generating a default alias.

On Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 3:17:14 PM UTC-4 christ...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'd make the counter-argument: mix is a build *tool*, but not your build; 
> that's something you should define for your project.
> In pretty much all of my projects, I find myself writing a `mix build` 
> alias, as a high-level one-stop-shop command, but it looks very different 
> for each project—my Bakeware CLI application builds look very different 
> from my phoenix umbrella web application build with a custom 
> auto-asset-vendoring pipeline.
> Perhaps simply having `mix new` create a default alias for `mix build` 
> would work here? I'm very against prescribing what it means to build a 
> project, but this approach would encourage a common idiom across mix 
> projects as well as giving developers a jumping-off-point for when their 
> build's complexity grows.
> On Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 9:08:55 AM UTC-5 Jonathan Arnett wrote:
>> When I first clone an Elixir repository, usually the first thing I do is 
>> run `mix do deps.get, compile`.  It gets the job done, but it's a bit 
>> verbose.  Build tools in other languages (e.g. Rust's cargo, Haskell's 
>> stack, Gleam's gleam) have a "build" command that both pulls dependencies 
>> *and* compiles the app.  The proposed "build" command for mix would 
>> functionally be the same running `mix do deps.get, compile`, just in a 
>> smaller package.
>> I realize that I can make such an alias in my own projects, and I have, 
>> but I wonder if this would be useful for the larger Elixir community.

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