*An accompanying livebook is attached if you'd prefer to read this proposal 

Enum.split_while/2 (“split_while/2“) is one of the few (only?) functions in 
the Enum suite that does not throw away the rest of the Enumerable.t() when 
accumulation halts.

split_while/2 is useful for processing part of a list, but passing the rest 
somewhere else. For example, if I have a list of integers and I only want 
to collect integers within a certain range from the beginning, I can use 
split_while/2 like this:

ints = [0, 4, 3, 18, 20, -7, -4, 6]

{first, rest} = Enum.split_while(ints, &(&1 >= 0 && &1 <= 10))

=> {[0, 4, 3], [18, 20, -7, -4, 6]}

And process them individually:


=> 7


=> 60480

Problem Description

However, there is no way to use split_while/2 with state. It will only run 
the predicate function it receives on the current element. Take the 
following pseudocode example:

split_while(ints, 0, fn 
  _int, acc when acc > 10 -> {:halt, acc}
  int, acc -> {:cont, acc + int} 

Here, it is advantageous to use an accumulation of previous results to know 
if we should halt. The remaining list should be returned for further 

Without state in split_while/2, we have to do something rather inelegant:

result =
  Enum.reduce_while(ints, %{ints: [], sum: 0, encountered: 0}, fn
    _int, %{sum: sum} = acc when sum > 10 ->
      {:halt, %{acc | ints: Enum.reverse(acc.ints)}}

    int, acc ->
         | ints: [int | acc.ints],
           sum: acc.sum + int,
           encountered: acc.encountered + 1

=> %{encountered: 4, ints: [0, 4, 3, 18], sum: 25}

{ints, rest} = Enum.split(ints, result.encountered)

=> {[0, 4, 3, 18], [20, -7, -4, 6]}

{:ok, %{ints: ints, sum: result.sum}, rest}

=> {:ok, %{ints: [0, 4, 3, 18], sum: 25}, [20, -7, -4, 6]}

Or write boilerplate code every time this sort of operation is needed. A 
“stateful split while” should be a part of the standard library.

I propose a version of split_while/2 that takes the Enumerable.t(), 
collecting an accumulator until the discriminator function returns {:halt, 
any}. (*Or something like it, see below.*) Here’s the first draft:


Here is an example of how that might be achieved by modifying 

defmodule EnumExt do
  @spec split_while_reduce(
          (Enum.element(), any ->
             {:cont, any} | {:halt, any})
        ) ::
          {{[Enum.element()], any}, [Enum.element()]}
  def split_while_reduce(enumerable, initial_state, fun) when 
is_list(enumerable) do
    split_while_reduce_list(enumerable, fun, {[], initial_state})

  def split_while_reduce(enumerable, initial_state, fun) do
    {{list1, state}, list2} =
      Enum.reduce(enumerable, {{[], initial_state}, []}, fn
        entry, {{acc1, state}, []} ->
          case fun.(entry, state) do
            {:cont, new_state} -> {{[entry | acc1], new_state}, []}
            {:halt, new_state} -> {{acc1, new_state}, [entry]}

        entry, {{acc1, state}, acc2} ->
          {{acc1, state}, [entry | acc2]}

    {{:lists.reverse(list1), state}, :lists.reverse(list2)}

  defp split_while_reduce_list([head | tail], fun, {acc, state}) do
    case fun.(head, state) do
      {:cont, new_state} -> split_while_reduce_list(tail, fun, {[head | 
acc], new_state})
      {:halt, new_state} -> {{:lists.reverse(acc), new_state}, [head | 

  defp split_while_reduce_list([], _fun, {acc, state}) do
    {{:lists.reverse(acc), state}, []}

=> {:module, EnumExt, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 12, ...>>, 
{:split_while_reduce_list, 3}}

Let’s try it out. We have a list of binaries. We want to halt accumulation 
as soon as our data reaches a size or length of 100:

items =
    <<226, 188, 146, 226, 164, 184, 226, 135, 138, 226, 135, 162, 226, 183, 
169, 226, 168, 166,
      226, 178, 165>>,
    <<226, 161, 181, 226, 134, 162, 226, 168, 189, 226, 133, 128, 226, 149, 
    <<226, 140, 176, 226, 156, 180, 226, 151, 182, 226, 190, 150, 226, 138, 
156, 226, 155, 186>>,
    <<226, 173, 134, 226, 185, 134, 226, 179, 176, 226, 156, 163, 226, 139, 
128, 226, 189, 185>>,
    <<226, 156, 188, 226, 171, 187, 226, 163, 182, 226, 133, 145>>,
    <<226, 174, 185, 226, 186, 148, 226, 160, 163, 226, 133, 143, 226, 161, 
    <<226, 137, 182, 226, 152, 133, 226, 147, 167, 226, 142, 171, 226, 173, 
    <<226, 159, 143, 226, 173, 172, 226, 153, 183, 226, 145, 172>>,
    <<226, 176, 157, 226, 157, 183, 226, 136, 160>>,
    <<226, 181, 140, 226, 152, 172, 226, 162, 154, 226, 153, 172, 226, 137, 
176, 226, 169, 176>>

=> ["⼒⤸⇊⇢ⷩ⨦ⲥ", "⡵↢⨽⅀╝", "⌰✴◶⾖⊜⛺", "⭆⹆⳰✣⋀⽹",
 "✼⫻⣶⅑", "⮹⺔⠣⅏⡓", "≶★ⓧ⎫⭙", "⟏⭬♷⑬", "Ⱍ❷∠",

import EnumExt, only: [split_while_reduce: 3]

split_while_reduce(items, %{size: 0, length: 0, string: ""}, fn item, state 
  size = byte_size(item)
  length = String.length(item)

  new_size = state.size + size
  new_length = state.length + length

  if new_size < 100 and new_length < 100 do
    {:cont, %{state | size: new_size, length: new_length, string: 
state.string <> item}}
    {:halt, state}

=> {{["⼒⤸⇊⇢ⷩ⨦ⲥ", "⡵↢⨽⅀╝", "⌰✴◶⾖⊜⛺", "⭆⹆⳰✣⋀⽹",
   "✼⫻⣶⅑", "⮹⺔⠣⅏⡓"],
    length: 31,
    size: 99,
    string: "⼒⤸⇊⇢ⷩ⨦ⲥ⡵↢⨽⅀╝⌰✴◶⾖⊜⛺⭆⹆⳰✣⋀⽹✼⫻⣶⅑⮹⺔⠣⅏⡓"
  }}, ["≶★ⓧ⎫⭙", "⟏⭬♷⑬", "Ⱍ❷∠", "ⵌ☬⢚♬≰⩰"]}

It’s still a little clunky, no? I mean, the part of the list that is being 
accumulated could be collected into a list in the state as well. I'm 
thinking of something similar to how Enum.map_reduce/3 returns a list and 
an accumulator.

In this case, however, the list returned would be the *untouched values*. 
The simplified version:


defmodule EnumExt2 do
  @spec preserve_reduce(
          (Enum.element(), any ->
             {:cont, any} | {:halt, any})
        ) ::
          {any, [Enum.element()]}
  def preserve_reduce(enumerable, initial_state, fun) when 
is_list(enumerable) do
    preserve_reduce_list(enumerable, fun, initial_state)

  def preserve_reduce(enumerable, initial_state, fun) do
    {state, list} =
      Enum.reduce(enumerable, {initial_state, []}, fn
        entry, {state, []} ->
          case fun.(entry, state) do
            {:cont, new_state} -> {new_state, []}
            {:halt, new_state} -> {new_state, [entry]}

        entry, {state, acc} ->
          {state, [entry | acc]}

    {state, :lists.reverse(list)}

  defp preserve_reduce_list([head | tail], fun, state) do
    case fun.(head, state) do
      {:cont, new_state} -> preserve_reduce_list(tail, fun, new_state)
      {:halt, new_state} -> {new_state, [head | tail]}

  defp preserve_reduce_list([], _fun, state) do
    {state, []}

=> {:module, EnumExt2, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 11, ...>>, 
{:preserve_reduce_list, 3}}

import EnumExt2, only: [preserve_reduce: 3]

initial_state = %{size: 0, length: 0, string: "", collected: []}

preserve_reduce(items, initial_state, fn item, state ->
  size = byte_size(item)
  length = String.length(item)

  new_size = state.size + size
  new_length = state.length + length

  if new_size < 100 and new_length < 100 do
       | size: new_size,
         length: new_length,
         string: state.string <> item,
         collected: [item | state.collected]
    {:halt, %{state | collected: Enum.reverse(state.collected)}}

=> {%{
   collected: ["⼒⤸⇊⇢ⷩ⨦ⲥ", "⡵↢⨽⅀╝", "⌰✴◶⾖⊜⛺",
    "⭆⹆⳰✣⋀⽹", "✼⫻⣶⅑", "⮹⺔⠣⅏⡓"],
   length: 31,
   size: 99,
   string: "⼒⤸⇊⇢ⷩ⨦ⲥ⡵↢⨽⅀╝⌰✴◶⾖⊜⛺⭆⹆⳰✣⋀⽹✼⫻⣶⅑⮹⺔⠣⅏⡓"
 }, ["≶★ⓧ⎫⭙", "⟏⭬♷⑬", "Ⱍ❷∠", "ⵌ☬⢚♬≰⩰"]}

*I have no idea why the fourth element in the collected list is displaying 
like that. The source HTML has the correct characters.*

While the developer now has to reverse any list elements they want to keep, 
it gives us a cleaner return. In the case that the developer does not want 
to accumulate the processed list, they just don’t accumulate it.


The standard library would benefit from such a pattern. I’m unsure of a 
good name (split_while_reduce and preserve_reduce kind of seem out of place 
compared to the other names in the library) for such a function. I was 
considering partial_reduce, but that collides with the concept of partial 

I’d love to hear your feedback or your ideas about how this can already be 
done in the standard library!

Best regards,


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Attachment: 2024-08-06_proposal-enum-preserve-reduce-3.output.livemd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 2024-08-06_proposal-enum-preserve-reduce-3.nooutput.livemd
Description: Binary data

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