Here are two examples were key is needed . I don't understand the new lazy 
proposal so i can't judge if it would work well in these cases. Why can't 
the compiler just infer where this is needed? Thinking about key is a HARD 
problem for your brain.

On Monday, February 29, 2016 at 7:38:56 PM UTC+1, Evan wrote:
> You use Html.Attribute.key 
> <>
> when you have a sequence of items where you may be inserting and removing 
> from the middle. I took this API pretty much directly from the virtual-dom 
> implementation that backs the currently released version of elm-html. I am 
> doing a rewrite for various reasons, and realized that the current API 
> clashes with the laziness optimizations.
> Problem
> If you have a big list, you’d likely want to make each entry lazy. It 
> would suck to have to build 1000 virtual nodes. If you want keys, you need 
> to add them as an attribute, but lazy takes no attributes! This means you 
> need to add an extra DOM node with a key where it has one child that’s lazy.
> Alternative
> I am considering getting rid of Html.Attribute.key entirely and replacing 
> it with this function:
> lazyDict
>   : String
>   -> List Attribute
>   -> (a -> Html)
>   -> Dict comparable a
>   -> Html
> lazyDict tagName attributes viewItem items = ...
> It is somewhat similar to the normal Html.node 
> <> 
> function in that it is just about creating virtual DOM nodes, but in this 
> case you give a Dict instead of a List. You might create a news feed like 
> this:
> viewNewsFeed : Dict Time Story -> Html
> viewNewsFeed stories =
>   lazyDict "div" [class "news-feed"] viewStory stories
> Each entry would also be done lazily, so you only need to create the Html 
> if the dictionary entries are not reference equal.
> This means it would be easy to treat the stories as a dictionary in your 
> model. When you want to add something, you add it with a timestamp. If it's 
> sorted by name, you have a (Dict String Person) or whatever.
> Question
> If you have personally used keys for a specific scenario, would this new 
> API cover things as well? Would it be better or worse? Can you elaborate on 
> the details of your case?
> *Note:* I am looking for *specific* experience. *If you don't have a 
> concrete example, you are off-topic.* Take it to another thread. If you 
> are reading this and the thread is long, feel free just to respond to my 
> initial question. The goal here is to gather data, not opinions.

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