Yes, thanks, right there on the top of the my screen is the old 
evancz/elm-html. I should have paid more attention. Okay, found 
elm-lang/elm-html. I knew it moved...going to have to stop using Google as 
my entry into the documentation, as it will take the search giant a while 
to make the top search result for "elm html package" to STOP pointing 
to and instead 
go to

My bad, thanks again.

On Friday, May 27, 2016 at 8:50:36 AM UTC-7, Janis Voigtländer wrote:
> You are looking at outdated documentation. That's all. The current 
> documentation of td has the type variable. 
> Am 27.05.2016 um 17:42 schrieb Ray Toal < <javascript:>>:
> Hi
> I wanted to write
> tableCell : a -> Html
> tableCell data =
>   td [] [text (toString data)]
> but I got an error so I had to write
> tableCell : a -> Html b
> tableCell data =
>   td [] [text (toString data)]
> This makes sense because in the REPL we see
> > td
> <function> : List (Html.Attribute a) -> List (Html.Html a) -> Html.Html a
> Now ignoring the fact that the type variable seems silly, even though I am 
> sure somewhere there is a good reason for it (yes, Html aliases 
> VirtualDom.Node), I was really baffled to find out in the Html module 
> itself that td was defined **without** the extra type variable! Straight 
> from the source:
> {-| Represents a data cell in a table. -}
> td : List Attribute -> List Html -> Html
> td =
>   node "td"
> In fact the documentation for the Html module is full of those kinds of 
> type signatures. So two questions:
> 1. How the heck did they get away with that?
> 2. Is there any way we can do this in our own code? I mean, I wanted to 
> just say the type of the tableCell function is `a -> Html`. The thing is 
> "just a node." What is the extra type variable for anyway? Like I say, I am 
> sure it is useful or necessary but it looks kinda weird. Why can't we just 
> have something that is "just a node"? If Html is not that thing, what is?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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