Hey Tim,

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Tim Stewart <finelinestu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm interested in what others think about this specific use of infix.

The issue with infix operators is they add a few extra thing you have
to worry about:

  * precedence, aka. order of operations
  * it's easy to screw up what's getting applied to what without lots
of explicit parens sometimes
  * It can make code harder to parse for humans when overused. This is
the number complaint I got from co-workers reading my code with lots
of operators.
  * can be sometimes difficult to compose with other functions (like
the pipeline example)

As for this particular operator, I had a similar operator in my
Haskell codebase. Over time I abandoned it for the reasons above.



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