Hi Matthieu,

Welcome to elm!  I too have a background in Python and here are some things 
I've learned as I've written projects in elm.

You're right it is more verbose in a lot of cases.  What you get in a lot 
of cases is that it's very clear what's going on while in python there can 
be a decent amount of 'hiding the magic'.

As for Dicts, I would say double check to make sure you don't actually want 
a record.  Basically if you know all the fields at compile time...you 
probably want a record, not a dict. 

(as previous people have noted)  a few of your issues are definitely on the 
community radar.  There's a recent post about proposed string 
interpolation, stuff like that.  So, there's actually a good amount of work 
going on to cover the cases you mention.  It's a young language.

The list comprehension thing is interesting.  In elm the focus is on the 
List module as opposed to a specific syntax for list comprehensions.  I've 
found it to be very expressive.

So for something like `[i +5 for i in range(20)]`  in python, you could do 
something like `List.map ((+) 5) [0..20]`

Cheers and again, welcome to elm.


On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 1:06:28 PM UTC-4, Matthieu Amiguet wrote:
> Thanks Ian for your suggestions! 
> As for pulling the common code into another function, my threshold is 
> probably still the python one ;-) 
> But I finally adopted your solution with the helper function defined in a 
> let expression. That's already much better than my initial code! 
>      let 
>          formatTime time = 
>              String.pad 2 '0' <| toString time 
>      in 
>        String.join ":" [formatTime (hour date), formatTime (minute date)] 
> Thanks, 
> Matthieu 
> > 1. You could try 
> http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mgold/elm-date-format/1.1.4/ if 
> you're not opposed to using a third party package. 
> > 2. Or pull the duplicate code out into a function: 
> > | 
> > formatTime :Int->String 
> > formatTime time = 
> >     String.pad 2'0'<|toString time 
> > 
> > anddo 
> >     String.join ":"[formatTime (hour date),formatTime (minute date)] 
> > | 
> > 
> > That's still not quite as tidy as string interpolation but I've found 
> it's a good habit to get into to pull anything you do more than once out 
> into its own function, especially in Elm; in Python my threshold tends to 
> be three uses :) 
> > 

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