
I've been using evancz/elm-graphics (alongside elm-lang/animation-frame, 
elm-community/easing-functions, mgold/elm-animation) to develop overlay 
graphics (in the style of 
/ ), and I've had a lot more 
fun using it.

But I found some of the canvas APIs are not available, which is why I'm 
currently interested in creating an alternative to elm-graphics, focusing 
on implementing a low-level interface to the HTML5 Canvas, which could then 
be used to recreate the higher-level API elm-graphics offers.

I've come to ask help about API design, I can see a few ways of doing it:

One being somewhat similar to elm-graphics, which would be passing 
instructions to the render function

view model =
    Html.div []
        [ Canvas.draw2D ( 200, 300 )
            [ Canvas.fillStyleColor <| Color.rgb 0 255 0
            , Canvas.fillRect 10 10 100 100

or even pipeline-style

view model =
    Html.div []
        [ Canvas.draw2D ( 200, 300 )
            |> Canvas.fillStyleColor (Color.rgb 0 255 0)
            |> Canvas.fillRect 10 10 100 100

or instead through Messages and in the style of The Elm Architecture, the 
Canvas would be its own component

update msg model =
    case msg of
        Alert message color ->
                ! MsgCanvas 
                    [ Canvas.fillStyleColor color
                    , Canvas.fillText 10 10 message
        MsgCanvas msg ->
            { model | canvas = Canvas.update msg model.canvas } ! []

view model = 
    Html.div [] [ Canvas.draw2D ( 200, 300 ) model.canvas ]

How do you feel about them? What else should I know about canvas, 
interfacing with JS, etc?


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