Hi guys,

If I have several components that they have its update functions and 
actions (Msg), How I can manage them from a single place?, I guess that I 
need a single update in main file and from here call all updates functions.

Per example, if I have this:

type Msg = NoOp | Move Int | SuccessMove Model | FailMove Http.Error

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)update msg model =  case msg of    
Move cardinal ->      (model, getNewPositions cardinal) -- Getnewsposition 
return info for the movement    NoOp ->      (model, Cmd.none)    SuccessMove 
newModel ->      -- TODO    FailMove error ->      (model, Cmd.none)

and in the main file I have this:

type Msg =  NoOp  | GoTo Int

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd.Msg)update msg model =  case msg of    
NoOp ->      (model, Cmd.none)    GoTo a ->      let        model' =          
-- How can I call the update from file here? (the type 'a' is the cardinal)     
 in        (model', Cmd.none)

In summary, I need a way to manage other updates from a main update.


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