I am trying to ensure that three arguments to a function are all not 

Right now I have this (below), which works, but uses "withDefault." I want 
to avoid this because the default values are meaningless and I want to 
clearly and fundamentally avoid any possible situation where a Nothing gets 
through to the "else" part

forecastProtected : Maybe Float -> Maybe Float -> Maybe Float -> (List Int) 
-> List Float
forecastProtected q d b months =
  if List.any (\m -> m == Nothing) [q, e, b] then []
      (withDefault 0 q)
      (withDefault 0 d)
      (withDefault 0 b)

 I am hoping to do something like this:
forecastProtected : Maybe Float -> Maybe Float -> Maybe Float -> (List Int) 
-> List Float
forecastProtected q d b months =
    params = {q = q, d = d, b = b}
    case params of
      { Just qF, Just dF, Just bF } -> forecast qF dF bF months
      { Maybe, Maybe, Maybe } -> []

which more clearly shows what I am trying to achieve. Could someone point 
me to the appropriate syntax for this? Also the 'F' in qF, dF, and bF are 
"Float" to avoid masking of variables (not sure how this happens in elm); 
it would be best if I could avoid this complication too.

Thanks everyone for all your help as I'm getting started!

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