This is a great question! I think there's a very clear answer here:

*Don't overengineer it.*

As you noted, this is basic - *super* basic - so by default, the best 
solution is also super basic.

There's a button with 2 configurable options? Cool, let's write a function 
that accepts that configuration and returns the button we need:

fancyButton : { label : String, icon : String } -> Html msg
fancyButton { label, icon } =
    -- Implementation goes here


In a language where refactoring is nice, you can and should reach for 
simple solutions when the problem is simple.

If the problem gets more complex later, you can then revise from a position 
of knowledge: you'll know *precisely how *it's more complicated, and that 
gives you the information you need to end up with the nicest API possible.

Conversely, trying to design an API to fit nebulous theoretical future use 
cases essentially means going in blind, and it's a recipe for unnecessary 
suffering in Elm. :)

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