Excellent - thanks for the info and link.... looks most cool indeed :) - 
just had a play - looking forward to being able to write something as 
capable at what you've got there (and as well organised code-wise).

One of my colleagues at work suggested the same approach (as why would you 
put text in webgl when you've got a perfectly capable text rendering engine 
in the browser)... It is still a (the) fallback solution - so I may be 
having a further delve into your code (thanks again).  However I'm wanting 
to put labels next to webgl renderings that stick with the things they 
label and scale with them in a responsive, dynamic way.  It is probably 
possible using an overlay but I managed to persuade myself that it would be 
more straight forward if I could do it all in webgl - hence the current 
course of action.... plus it felt like it should be possible - and it feels 
like I've got it working apart from this issue of handling the canvas 
elements that are needed so I don't kill the browser.

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 7:07:06 PM UTC+1, Nick H wrote:
> My into-the-heavens project is using HTML divs to overlay text on a WebGL 
> canvas (link to relevant code 
> <https://github.com/nphollon/into-the-heavens/blob/master/src/Graphics/View.elm>
> ).
> This has worked fine for my needs, but my needs are pretty boring. Maybe 
> you want to do something cool & crazy with the canvas text?
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Nick H <falling...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Why do you want to render text using a canvas texture instead of the DOM? 
>> It seems like making a pure Elm function that places text in a div would 
>> give you the same results and would still integrate fine with elm-webgl.
>> As for your specific question, I suspect the answer is no, but I don't 
>> know enough about the vdom implementation to say for sure.
>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:26 AM, roovo <rupert....@gmail.com 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I've recently been learning/hacking/having fun with elm and webgl and 
>>> have been experimenting with rendering text using canvas textures.  It 
>>> seems that this is not possible using elm-graphics as it renders text using 
>>> the DOM and not canvas, so I have slapped together a proof of concept 
>>> (currently hard-coded for my use-case) which uses a native component to 
>>> create a canvas and provide it as a texture fit for use in webgl - see the 
>>> gist at:
>>> https://gist.github.com/roovo/edff73230cb454a206e796f6e3fa71b0
>>> This does work - yay - nice looking text and easy to use :)
>>> However, it's obviously a bad idea to create these canvas elements in 
>>> the way that I am (directly on the DOM) as I am not using the virtual dom 
>>> so on each animation frame I'll just be adding more until something goes 
>>> pop.
>>> This is where I could do with some advice.... Is it possible to create 
>>> these in a way that they will be managed by the virtual dom - i.e. so it 
>>> won't create multiple canvases containing the same text, so ones that I'm 
>>> not using anymore will be removed from the dom, and so that they will be 
>>> available for use in the current render cycle (not sure if my terminology 
>>> is correct here) by webgl.  I need it to be available in the current cycle 
>>> so I can find out how big it is so I can create an appropriately sized 
>>> surface to render it on.
>>> I do hope that this makes sense - I'm new to both elm and webgl so 
>>> apologies if I'm not using the best wordage...
>>> Many thanks
>>> -- 
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