I'm struggling to compose two tasks.  Specifically, I'm making an HTTP
request, but I also want to know the time the http request was executed.

I have the following code:

type Msg =
  | Success Time Documents
  | Failed Time Http.Error

requestDocuments : Cmd Msg
requestDocuments =
  Task.perform (Failed 0) (Success 0) <| httpInvoke documentsDecoder

httpInvoke : JsonDecode.Decoder value -> String -> Task.Task Http.Error
httpInvoke decoder path =
    request = {
      verb = "GET",
      headers = [ ("Authorization", "Basic SNIP") ],
      url = ("https://SNIP/1"; ++ path),
      body = Http.empty
    Http.fromJson decoder <| Http.send Http.defaultSettings request

You can see I'm trying generate the Success/Failed messages that both
should include a time but for the moment I'm simply injecting a value of

It seems like I should use Task.andThen or Task.map or something similar to
compose httpInvoke with Time.now, but I'm really struggling to pull this
together and tie it into Task.perform.

Could somebody help?


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