On Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 6:07:49 PM UTC+1, Rupert Smith wrote:
> On Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 4:59:59 PM UTC+1, Rupert Smith wrote:
>> On Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 4:43:24 PM UTC+1, Rupert Smith wrote:
>>> I noticed this in the package docs:
>>>    - The elm-mdl library currently support only one dialog pr. 
>>>    application. Installing more than one dialog will result in a random one 
>>>    showing.
>>> http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/debois/elm-mdl/7.6.0/Material-Dialog
>>> Is this still true? Is there a workaround, I am planning on using quite 
>>> a few dialogs...
>> Actually, in this case I just wanted a delete / are you sure ? type of 
>> interaction. A better way might be to add a div below the delete control 
>> that shows something like "delete 5 items are you sure ? confirm" where the 
>> confirm is a button, but to just make that part of the page and not a modal 
>> dialog. Or just make the  "delete" button change to "are you sure?" but 
>> that runs the risk of an accidental double click.
>> Anyway, it would still be nice to have >1 dialog in an application. 
> I suppose the question is, is this some inherent limit because of the way 
> Elm works? or is it just because something was hacked together for dialogs 
> that is not really complete yet?
> I notice the way to open a dialog is:
> Dialog.openOn "click"
> I'd expected to find something more like
> Button.onClick DialogMsg dialog1
> to create a Msg for opening the dialog and then in the 'update' function 
> to respond to that by opening the particular dialog that was selected, 
> something like this
> DialogMsg ->
>    Dialog.open dialog

Or perhaps it would be better if Dialog had properties for 'open' and 
'closed' and they could be chosen appropriately from the model when 
rendering the view:

 [ if model.showDialog then Dialog.open else Dialog.close ]
 [ ... ]


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