Hi all,

Thanks again for all your help. And when I've asked questions last year.

I have another question. Here's my situation. I want to pass a json from a 
port, and decode the json into records. 

My port:

port parseSuccess : (Json.Encode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg

When calling it:


The recursive record:

type alias Node = {
>     name : String
>   , children : Children
>   }
> type Children =
>   Children (List Node)

The fromJson to decode the Json.

fromJson : Json.Value -> Result String Node
> fromJson json =
>     Json.decodeValue nodeDecoder json

My decoders:

nodeDecoder : Decoder Node
> nodeDecoder =
>   object2 Node
>     ("name" := string)
>     ("children" := childrenDecoder )

childrenDecoder : Decoder Children
> childrenDecoder =
>   customDecoder
>     (Json.list nodeDecoder)
>     (\children -> Result.Ok <| Children children)

When I run it, I get an error in the Result in "fromJson"
: Err "Expecting an object with a field named `name` but instead got: 

What's the difference between Json.Encoder.Value and a String? When I'm 
calling the port on the JS side, I'm sending a string from 
JSON.stringify(). It seems like it comes in as Json.Encoder.Value as the 
type, but according to the error, it seems like it's coming in as a string. 
What am I doing wrong?


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