I agree with everything said, however there's a specific case where I 
personally try to avoid `let` if possible.

Sometimes view functions can be quite big, hence it makes sense to split 
them into smaller composable functions.

So far so good, but as soon as we introduce the `let ... in` block, the 
diff will be worthless (as pointed in the style guide 
<http://elm-lang.org/docs/style-guide>, producing clean diffs is one of the 

So in these cases I think it's best to add new functions at the bottom 

As an example, instead of:

    view model =
            viewFoo =

            viewBar =

            viewBaz =
            div []
                [ viewFoo
                , viewBar
                , viewBaz

I'd rather go for:

    view model =
        div []
            [ viewFoo model
            , viewBar model
            , viewBaz model

    viewFoo model =

    viewBar model =

    viewBaz model =

However this is just my opinion and I don't feel like I have to strictly 
follow this convention. It may depend from case to case and having a dirty 
diff doesn't really matter in the end.

On Tuesday, 4 October 2016 21:04:31 UTC+1, Andrew Radford wrote:
> I've been trying out Elm, and although I have a little functional 
> programming experience from F#, mostly I have used OO languages. With my 
> experiments in Elm, I have found sometimes I end up with something like this
> foofunction model = 
>   let 
>     something = foo bar baz
>     somethingElse = foo bar baz
>     yetMoreStuff = foo qux thud
>   in
>    { model 
>       | fieldA = something
>       , fieldB = somethingElse
>       , fieldC = yetMoreStuff
>     }
> ... anyway I hope you get the idea. A style of function which lot of lines 
> in the 'let' block before generally one final thing in the 'in' block. In 
> F#, this sort of thing didn't look so bad as the stuff in the let block 
> would be all applied with individual 'let' functions. However in Elm they 
> start to *resemble *OO/imperitive style variable assignments, which makes 
> me question whether this is the Right Thing to do, or would it be 
> considered stylistically better to do something else, like for eg chain the 
> model through individual updating functions using '|>'.  Any strong 
> opinions about this? Have not seen too much about it in the style guides 
> etc that I have encountered
> Andrew

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