Hi there,

I'm pretty new to elm and I'm facing an issue I can't resolve by myself...

I would like to display a text entered in a textbox by clicking on a 
button. But elm detects an error with the definition of view. It says :


Detected errors in 1 module.


The type annotation for `view` does not match its definition.

26| view: String -> Html a
The type annotation is saying:

    String -> Html a

But I am inferring that the definition has this type:

    String -> Html (String -> Msg)

Hint: A type annotation is too generic. You can probably just switch to the 
I inferred. These issues can be subtle though, so read more about it.


I really don't know what to do. If you can please explain how to resolve 
this, because I can't find anything that helps... Thanks for your time!

Here is the code I wrote in http://elm-lang.org/try :

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)

main =
  App.beginnerProgram {
    model = init "",
    update = update,
    view = view

init : String -> String
init str =

type Msg = UpdateModel String

update: Msg -> String -> String
update action model =
  case action of
    UpdateModel newModel ->
view: String -> Html a
view model =
    input[type' "text", placeholder "Please enter a name..."][]
   ,button [onClick UpdateModel][text "Ajouter"] 
   ,div[][text model]

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